Breaking up your CircleCI yaml into multiple files

As an org if you use CircleCI, over time you will notice that config file really increase in length. One of the repos I worked on hit ~3000 lines. It starts becoming unwieldy, reviewing changes is hard and making changes is harder still. Sadly CircleCI doesn’t support reading from multiple files. But do not fret, this blog post will show you how you can do this. Turns out Circle built most of what is required, into their CLI....

Safely making breaking changes on a Github repo

Recently we were working on migrating our backend repo to use go modules. Now given the size of our repo this was a huge change that involved changing almost every .go file in the repo. We managed to make this change in a safe manner keeping master green and this post explains how we did this using Github and CircleCI. The hard part of changes like this are mostly around communication....